New Delhi : International Energy Agency i.e. IEA on Wednesday made a statement about India's natural gas. The IEA has suggested free to free the price determination of natural gas from India and separate marketing and transportation to help in increasing fuel conjugation in the economy. IEA has estimated the Indian Gas Market Report: 2030 atmosphere that by the end of the decade, the country's gas convention will increase by 60 percent to 103 billion cubic meters i.e. BCM every year.

India has targeted to increase the stake of relatively Clean Natural Gas from 6 percent to 15 percent by 2030 in its energy consumption, so the International Energy Agency has proposed a series of policy reforms for its higher consumption.

Gas prices very high

The prices of gas that generate electricity, manure and convert compressed natural gas i.e. CNG to transportation and cooking through pipes are very high. The price of gas from older areas of public sector companies like ONGC and Oil India Limited is currently 65 million per dollar British thermal unit, while fuel has also been bordered from difficult and high -cost areas such as deep seas.

Gas largest seller

Gayle has mostly pipelines that transmit gas in India. It is also the largest seller of gas. This can cause controversy. The company would like to prioritize its gas sales and does not want to allow third party to reach its pipeline network to sell its gas.

Improvement in long -term availability of gas

Calling transformation in freedom of gas price determination for all areas, the report said that as per the recommendation made by the Kirit Parekh Committee in 2022, gradually 'upstream' by expanding the freedom of gas pricing in all sectors More investment in the region may be promoted and the long -term availability of gas for India's consumers can improve.

Derailization in natural gas markets

The Paris-based agency has also said that keeping in mind the unique challenges of India and the work at different levels in the unique challenges and the mature natural gas markets of Europe and North America, India's chief transmission pipeline operators in the extended time limit It is advisable to plan to separate.

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It states that however, in the long term, on the one hand, the legal separation of transportation and marketing and sales functions can increase competition in the market, but on the other hand it can increase flexibility and improve the use of infrastructure, which eventually finally The role of gas in India's energy mix will increase further.

(With agency input)

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