Obnews Lifestyle Desk: Valentine's Week is going on, in which the name of Kiss Day is dedicated on the seventh day, on this day couples kiss them to express their love. Kissing is a way to improve health in many ways, but due to this, many types of diseases also spread.
According to the last few studies, an intimate can spread about 80 million bacteria of ten seconds. Let us know what kind of diseases are spread by kissing.
By kissing here, only 6 special types of diseases spread in types of diseases, very few people are aware of it.
1- Additional Respiratory Infection:
Here, couples in love kiss each other and express love, many times this kind of problem occurs. Kissing can cause normal cold because it spreads from direct contact. Through the spread of this disease, you can be in the grip of winter through droplets or through direct exposure to the infected person's nose and throat secretion (fluid and mucosa).
2-herpes infection:
In kissing disease, the risk of this type of disease also increases. Herpes disease here is of two ways of HSV1 and HSV2. Kissing in a normal way here does not do anything like that, but if a person is a virus, it can also infect you in some condition. Viruses such as Epstein-Barcaster, Verisella-Joster that cause chickenpox and herpes simplex that cause colds and cold are all part of the herpes family.
The spread of this virus can spread rapidly during kissing. While the herpes simplex can spread through direct contact, while the chickenpox is easily spread through droplets or air proliferation.
3- Glandular fever:
In which diseases here, this type of disease is called infections mononucleosis or glandular fever in medical language. The disease especially spreads from Epstein Bar Virus ((EBV)). Glandular fever is responsible for viral infection. Here this disease is considered a type of fever, it is usually caused by Epstein-Bar virus. It starts spreading rapidly when the patient comes into direct contact.
4-Hepetitis B:
Talking about this disease, kissing increases the chances of its spread. In this, the level of this virus is higher than saliva, but hepatitis B can also spread due to kissing. This infection extends rapidly when infected blood and saliva are exposed to someone else.
This type of disease is also called flu, this disease to this type of breath can also spread. This problem shows symptoms like muscle pain, throat infection, and fever. It works to harm.
Click to know more news to Valentine's Day
By kissing here in this way, this disease starts spreading. In this problem, if your partner has warts in the mouth, then through which it can easily spread to you.
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