If there was a formula to be happy, then how easy life would have become, right? However, there is no such magical formula, but there are some habits of happy people, by adopting which you can also make your life more satisfactory and happy. Research suggests that happy people have the same habits, which make them mentally and emotionally strong. Let us know what are the habits that you can also fill your life with happiness.

1. Happiness will increase to give time in relationships

Those who spend more time with their family and friends feel more happy and satisfied than those living alone. Research suggests that people are more happy in the weekends as they are able to spend time with their loved ones during this time. Therefore, take some time out of your busy schedule to strengthen relationships.

2. Keep good relations with your spouse

A happy relationship plays a big role in your mental peace and happiness. According to research, couples who go through just one negative experience between every five good moments are more happy with their relationship. To strengthen the relationship, it is important that you praise each other, understand each other and spend quality time together.

3. Happiness increases with age

Research suggests that after the age of 30 people start feeling more satisfied and happy, as they are financially stable during this period. At the same time, after the age of 50, people start smiling more and take life lightly. However, at the age of 44 people feel the least happy, but after that the graph of happiness starts going up again. This means that there is no fixed age to be happy - try today to get happiness.

4. Control yourself on your happiness

Up to 40% control of your happiness is in your hands. However, it also contributes to jeans, nature and circumstances. But you can influence your happiness through your thinking, habits and time management. The more you allow the surrounding events to dominate yourself, the more your mental balance will be affected.

5. Friends will give a big circle to you happy life

According to a study in Britain, people who are in touch with 10 or more friends feel more happy. Friends not only improve your mood, but also help in increasing social scope, reducing stress and living a long life. Therefore, make good friends and keep meeting them regularly.

6. Can happiness be purchased from salary?

Money cannot directly buy happiness, but it can affect your satisfaction and mental peace. Research by the University of Princeton found that there is no difference in happiness due to increasing salary to a certain level. But people with low income are more affected by health, relationship and other challenges of life. Therefore, paying attention to economic stability is also necessary for mental peace and happiness.

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