New Delhi: In India, breast cancer followed by cervical cancer are the two most common cancers in women, with cervical cancer being the second leading cause of death.
Risk factors for breast and ovarian cancers include a positive family history whereas obesity, diabetes, and hypertension are some of the predisposing factors for endometrial (or uterine) cancers. HPV (Human papillomavirus) infection which is sexually transmitted, is the single most important cause of cervical cancer. Hence it can easily be prevented by HPV vaccination in all young girls and boys. In an interaction with News9Live, Dr Rohit Ranade, Consultant Gynecology, Robotic Surgery, HiPEc surgery, Narayana Health City, listed everything one needs to know about cancer in women.
  1. Symptoms: It is important to recognise the signs and symptoms of gynecological malignancies early to have a good chance of a cure. While ovarian cancers present late with vague non-specific symptoms like abdominal bloating and loss of appetite, endometrial and cervical cancers present early with symptoms like post-menopausal bleeding, abnormal patterns of menstrual cycle
  2. Prevention: Adult women of all ages are encouraged to perform breast self-examination at least once a month and women over 40 years of age should get annual mammograms done. These measures have shown to decrease deaths due to breast cancer by 1/3rd. HPV vaccination, pap smear and HPV infection testing are recommended to prevent and detect early cases of cervical cancer
  3. Treatment: Minimally invasive techniques I.E laparoscopic and robotic surgeries can be offered to Many patients of gynecologic cancers and especially in endometrial cancer where it is the gold standard of treatment. Gynecological cancers in advanced stages May require a combination of conventional open surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Fertility preserving treatments can also be offered in select patients. With newer treatment modalities even advanced stages of cancer have a good Chance at cure and decent quality of life. Hence, awareness, screening and early detection, and appropriate treatment is the key to beat cancer in women.

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