As soon as summer starts we want something cold and if nothing is available then we straight away open the fridge and drink cold water which is very dangerous. It does give us relief during summer days but there are many disadvantages of drinking cold water. We all should drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day. We all drink cold water just like that, the temperature of water has an effect on our body, in summer we all feel like drinking cold water because of which we drink refrigerated water. To quench our thirst in summer we drink cold water anytime, this cold water is becoming the reason of heart attack.

In Ayurveda also, the consumption of cold water is said to be harmful for health. We all should not drink water kept in the fridge at all. Often we drink cold water directly after coming from the sun or after any exercise, which has a very bad effect on our body. Harms caused by drinking cold water from the fridge,

By consuming cold water our intestines shrink, food is not digested properly by drinking cold water. If the food is not digested properly then it leads to problems like constipation in the stomach.
If we make it a habit to drink cold water everyday, it causes tonsils. Diseases to lungs and digestive system can also occur. If we drink water from an earthen pot instead of the refrigerator, it will be very good for our health.
Drinking cold water has a direct effect on the heart rate. If we drink cold water, it has a direct effect on the vagus nerve of our body, due to which the heart rate decreases a lot.

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