Switzerland lures Indian Geneva Water Fountain, Switzerland - Travel Video When you're in Switzerland, you can be assured that your lungs will thank you because every breath you take will be alpine fresh and pollution free!
Thanks to strict environmental regulations, the air quality here is among the best in the world. 3. Driving Etiquette Swiss drivers are known to follow the rules and a no-honking policy, to maintain a peaceful, quiet and noise-free environment. 4. Public Transport Perfection Driving by car on the train A fun fact not to miss, the Swiss eat 8.8 kg of chocolate per person per year which is more than any other nationality. this needs to be said, I fulfilled my duty and The Swiss are known for their orderly queues, whether waiting for a tram, or to savour a famous cheese fondue, or to explore any public place. So, make sure to make all your bookings online or in advance if you want to avoid long queues - no cutting corners here! The next time you travel to this beautiful country, enjoy these unique facets and look out for more such quirks!

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