Arvind Kejriwal news: Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal came out of jail on Friday after getting bail from the Supreme Court. The court has granted bail to Kejriwal in the CBI case with some conditions, which include not going to the CM office. At the same time, Kejriwal has given information about his plans for today through X-post on Saturday.

Read:- Arvind Kejriwal roared after being released from jail, said- Every drop of my blood is dedicated to the country

Actually, there is a festive atmosphere in the Aam Aadmi Party after CM Arvind Kejriwal came out of jail. The party leaders are calling it the victory of truth and exposure of lies. At the same time, after coming out of jail, Kejriwal will go to Hanuman temple on Saturday. CM Kejriwal wrote in his ex post, “Today at 12 noon I will go to Hanuman temple in Connaught Place to thank God and seek his blessings.”

Let us tell you that after coming out of jail, Kejriwal met senior Aam Aadmi Party leader Manish Sisodia, MP Sanjay Singh and Raghav Chadha and other leaders and party workers. While addressing them, he thanked the people and God. During this, a large number of party workers came out on the streets to welcome Kejriwal.

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